WONDRY’s Wine Will Keep You Coming Back for More!

When was the last time you experienced a good wine?  Well, National Drink Wine Day is February 18th!

Chaz and Whitney, the owners of WONDRY, a black-owned business, realized how the wine industry was lagging behind with innovation. Understanding that problem, WONDRY was created. 

After research, they discovered the beer, cider, and spirits industries had evolved but the wine industry had not. So, they set out to create a wine that “blurs the lines between a premium wine and a craft cocktail.” They accomplished what they set out to do. 

WONDRY have infused their aromatic wines with organic fruits and an increased alcohol content creating an amazing, delicious sipping experience that engages the sipper’s smell, sight, and taste. 

Just a sip will do you!

WONDRY has now carved out a place for itself in the wine industry. They deliver an affordable wine experience without compromising quality. Their products can be found in Target and Total Wine stores in the Dallas area and they have plans of expanding. 

Meet Chaz and Whitney, the owners of WONDRY wines.

With so many choices of wine to choose from today, outside of being black-owned, what would you say distinguishes your brand from the competitors? 

(CHAZ) Since wine was created, there’s been little to no evolution in varietal assortment. We’ve been largely limited to standard Chardonnays, Cabernets, Pinots – or some close iteration or blend of these traditional wine types. Meanwhile, you’ve got the spirits, beer, seltzer, and cider industries who have continually invested in innovation to address unique consumer tastes. We recognize consumers crave diverse flavor options and an alcohol experience that delivers a relaxing escape. That is why we created a collection of fruit-forward wines that blur the lines between a premium wine and a craft cocktail. All of our wines are aged in small batches and spiked with organic, fragrant fruits. We use only natural, premium ingredients to deliver balanced, full-body flavor and elevated alcohol content.

(WHITNEY) We continue to separate ourselves by not selling wine. We sell an immersive beverage escape that engages all of your senses. From our uniquely designed bottles to our organic fruit infusions to our heightened alcohol content, we exist to re-imagine the wine experience. We fully intend to disrupt conventional wine thinking, so we differentiate by doing the exact opposite of our competition and cueing in on the unique needs of consumers who have been overlooked by the traditional wine industry.

What has the support been like for the company since launching?  

(WHITNEY) AMAZING! We could not have imagined in our wildest dreams how deeply supportive our community has been. From industry expert mentors to retail sales associates/managers to local wine lovers, we have met so many incredible people who have gone out of their way to support us. Now six months post our launch with distribution in local Target and Total Wine stores, our success is due in large part to those who have advocated for us. 

Any winemaking tips for those just getting into winemaking or those interested in studying wine? 

(WHITNEY) We would highly suggest taking a course in enology (the science of winemaking) and/or viticulture (the study of cultivating grapes). Winemaking is surprisingly very technical & requires an incredible level of care. So, as a newbie to the field, it’s best to first understand the fundamentals before diving in, you will save yourself from a lot of failed fermentations and heartache. With a simple Google search, you will find there are a number of courses offered online and in-person across the country. 

What’s your favorite wine from the collection? What do you suggest to pair it with?

(WHITNEY) Wow, that’s like asking us to choose a favorite child. I honestly enjoy every single varietal we make and will choose which one to drink based on my mood. Our wines are also incredibly versatile so I make cocktails with them all the time. Right now, I am really vibing with our newest release, Rose Berry Bubbly – it’s effervescent, infused with organic strawberries, blueberries, raspberries & blackberries – so it’s deliciously refreshing. I drink it with everything! 

CHAZ and I LOVE our Peach in Peace varietal – that’s my tried & true go-to. It’s so light and juicy with the perfect touch of sweetness. I’m on this fitness kick so I drink Peach in Peace with my daily serving of seafood. 

What is one of the hardest things about winemaking year in and year out? 

(CHAZ) Bottling! We love making wine and exploring new fruit infusions but putting the wine in bottles is pretty exhausting. We personally produce, bottle, label, and locally distribute every single bottle of WONDRY wine. So, keeping up from a production standpoint, while loving on our newborn son and maintaining our full-time corporate careers presents quite the day-to-day challenge.

Any new flavors we can look forward to in the upcoming months?

(WHITNEY) ABSOLUTELY! Innovation is our core competency and our key differentiator within the industry. We are sworn to secrecy but what we will say is over the next 4 months, expect the unexpected. We are bringing the heat with plans to launch multiple new varietals with unforgettable flavors. 

We all love a good buzz while we unwind. Your wines are 13.9% ABV, in what ways did you work to balance the taste for a sweet but strong delivery that’s not bitter?  

(CHAZ) Such a good question – our vision for WONDRY was to create a more satisfying wine experience through superior taste and heightened alcohol content. We wanted to create a unique hybrid between a premium wine and craft cocktail but do it in a way that was succulently smooth. No one likes a harsh, or what we call in the industry, “hot” wine that leaves your throat on fire. A good buzz is great but only if you enjoy the beverage that got you there. So, we have a proprietary fermentation & production process that creates beautifully-balanced wines with a higher ABV but no harshness or bitterness. 

One of your goals is to help people “RE-IMAGINE THE WINE EXPERIENCE”, what do you feel the experience has been for those new to drinking wine?  

(WHITNEY) We really believe many who are new to wine or those who have yet to embrace wine have felt intimidated by the traditional wine industry. Many feel the wine experience is overly pretentious, uninviting, and not representative of their interests or needs. Wine has been in existence for thousands of years, yet the industry has failed to meaningfully innovate. WONDRY was created to disrupt this conventional wine culture and address the unique needs and diverse tastes of those who have been overlooked.

Lastly, what is the funniest thing you saw happen to someone after a few sips of your wine during a tasting?  

(WHITNEY) Best question we’ve ever been asked! We have so many fun stories of people cutting loose after a taste of WONDRY. One of our favorites came from a consumer who, after a glass of WONDRY, felt compelled to vacuum her whole house while singing slow jams. 

Learn more here:

Meet the founders by clicking here.

Website: https://wondrywine.com/

Social Media: Instagram 

Writer, Debbie Stokes is a contributing writer. Follow her on @iamdebbiestokes

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