Coach Randy Speaks on His Empowering Journey

A devoted husband and father, Randy Howell, Jr. (Coach Randy) is the Truth Coach on a mission to help others find their true selves. We all have past traumas in various shapes and forms and can fall victim to self-inflicted mental illness. In 2014, Coach Randy made it his duty to become a “truth coach” after overcoming his past experiences of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. His goal is to assist others with facing the things that are negatively affecting them and guide them with the necessary steps to be free and live as their authentic selves. 

FEMI Magazine had the opportunity to learn about the Truth journey with Coach Randy.

Coach Randy, best known as the Truth Coach, may you tell the FEMI Community about yourself?

Truth Coach Randy is a person that truly believes the world is made better one person at a time by focusing on past traumas that have had a major effect on people’s mental states. The answer lies within each person’s story that needs to be addressed through the eyes of the storyteller as the main character. This is the only way to get to answers. You have to be okay with addressing what affects you without fearing another’s opinion. I help people put themselves completely first without fearing others’ feelings. This is important and actually comes from my battle with trauma. I once protected my immediate family from the trauma I faced because I did not want to rattle the picture that had been painted. The problem was I was suffering from depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts while I waited on someone to be concerned with what I thought about how my life was going. It was never going to happen, and I eventually found myself raising my children in the same manner until I saw that sad little kid that I was in them. That was my breaking point when I had to choose my future over continuing to wait on different results from my past. The past was not going to change, and it was upon me to change the narrative and let the chips fall as they may because the most important thing at that crossroad was my children understanding that opportunities are limitless. It is not fair of their father to create boundaries due to his past trauma. So that is what I do. I help people face past trauma by allowing them to tell their stories from their perspective and without boundaries or fear. Then they can pull out the trauma moments regardless of the style and start to address them. This helps them find ways to implement change into their lives so that a new journey can begin without the baggage. This is when the manifestation of the new way comes into fruition, creating the new you that will be implemented into the world without regret. It is important to know that lies are more than stories; they are the traumatic moments you accept instead of facing and living with the results. Live in the truth, which is the version of you that makes you happy. See, we only get one chance at this, so why not ensure that you are getting your complete fulfillment; if that means shedding pieces of the past you thought you could not live without, then I believe that is just how it has to be because your future depends on it.

Why did you become a life coach, and what do you love most about it? 

The mental state of the many people I came in contact with inspired the birth of Truth Coach Randy. People go through life making the money, displaying this picturesque lifestyle, but are in mental distress in private. This was a problem because this level of mental illness negatively affects relationships, family structures, eating habits, sleep patterns, to name a few, and not just to the individual. I have a mission to change the world by helping individuals find peace within themselves because many fear losing things or people they feel they might not be able to live without. I help them realize through their own eyes that sometimes losing to win is imperative. We live in a world of people that are so consumed with outside forces that they forget about the importance of self. Relationships can be reformed, and things can be acquired again, but we only get one full chance to live our best life, and time does not slow down to give people time to figure it out. This is how the Truth Coach brand was formed. Through my many conversations with people, no matter the issue, each person, in some way, avoided living completely in their truth. This decision was not always conscious, but it always negatively affected their lives. These results were high levels of stress, anxiety, loneliness, or the lack of ability to hold a solid relationship, to name a few. So I developed the truth coach to take responsibility to help individuals face their own reality through their stories. A truth coach is that individual that assists you in facing your adversities that may be prohibiting progress at the pace needed to fulfill your life at the highest level. We take the time to explore your story from your perspective to find the points or instances that need to be addressed and faced. Once we face these harsh realities, I assist in discovering what is needed to get some type of resolution so that a new way can be implemented. Change is imperative! Implementing this change into a scenario leads you to manifest the new version of yourself so that the world can see and experience the new and improved you.

Tell us more about Truth Youniversity and The SIMS Approach.



Once a person gets his or her story out and can do it with complete honesty and truth, no matter how hard it may be, the journey to true self-empowerment and growth can start. Now that we have the story out, we can dissect and recognize the issues or problems and find ways to create solutions. Now, the implementation process begins with tools, homework, and exercises to help with the sifting and sorting needed to find the solutions to these issues. This part can possibly be one of the hardest things to ever happen in one’s life, but we as a people subconsciously find ourselves living for everyone but ourselves. Regardless of how it may look or feel to everyone else, each person on this earth deserves to be selfish enough to want to be happy for himself or herself without the guilt of outside influence, no matter what that looks like. The manifestation process is important because this is when you implement your solutions and create a lifestyle change for positive results within your truth and happiness and without regret. Now one can become the best version of self at the highest level, attainable, and begin to see how much higher one can go. Show and Tell is all about self-reflection with the coach and allowing the coach to be present for support if there are fears or doubts that need to be addressed and faced. Ultimately, regardless of the direction the client takes within this personal journey, the goal is to learn the importance of living in one’s truth and implement that true way of living. Living a fulfilled life is important, and everyone deserves to leave as little on the table if anything when it is all said and done.

Truth YOUniversity is a platform created to help regardless of the circumstance. I am using the SIMS Approach method to assist individuals in telling his or her side of the story no matter the circumstance. Throughout my journey, many have tried to solve or get past issues by attempting to change or adjust the surroundings but never changing his or her position or perspective. Truth YOU is where we learn how to stop compromising our progress by protecting and sacrificing others or situations. And a way to make those hard decisions that may come with unimaginable results but will shine a light on a new path that can now be walked with a new confidence that positive results will come from even the hardest situations. is where the journey begins.

What will you say is the most challenging part of coaching?

For me, I had to realize the importance of the positive chain reaction by helping one person. I had to stop trying to change the whole room and realize that there are many ways to create change, and one at a time is still progress. That one person out of a multitude can be the spark to help you spread your word, ideologies, and results faster than you could have ever imagined.

 With helping so many people, how do you maintain your mental health?

I believe that self-love, smiling, and truly affirming your peace is the main key to maintaining your mental as long as you do it unapologetically and without regret.

How have you overcome the biggest obstacle in your life?

The biggest obstacle I had to face was being what my wife and kids needed in totality, and this started with setting ego to the side. Learning how to be totally open and honest in communication, and this came from facing my story head-on, addressing the problems that have steered my decision making, which in turn was molding how I did 2 of the most cherished duties I have as a man, and that is being a husband and father. And until I figured that part of life out, there was never a possibility that I could ever be the type of coach I was destined to be because I would have been leading off of a lie and not facts that I have actual experience. To be truly effective as a coach you have to be willing to study all aspects of the game.

What is one quote that you live by daily?


What are your goals for this year?

I keep my goals specific and ongoing. So what I have in place right now is continuing to grow my practice which is my purpose. Still, within that journey, I am always continuing to establish to my wife and kids that their happiness and well-being are my priority. I do not ever want to get so caught up in business that I neglect them because the story does not have a narrative for me moving forward without them. Now I can name some goal points: 

Establish Truth University as an outlet to help individuals overcome past trauma

Make the SIMS Approach method more of a staple in society because it can be used in any type of scenario once understood.

Release first hard copy as well as E-book in the next 2 months.

Host the first Truth Fest Conference to begin to help groups of people to face and conquer traumas

These are my first-quarter goals, and I like to stop there because I am now an intentional goal seeker that believes each one has to be completed for the next set to make sense.

The main consistent goal is progression, with my family always being my priority.

Do you have any words of encouragement for our readers?

I focus on past trauma within the story because the root has to be addressed. Change has to be implemented with an understanding that there will be casualties. This hard process has to be executed to manifest a truly changed person, therefore showing the world how important it is to find a pleasing and acceptable way to YOU! You deserve to be first, even if it means you have to travel a part of the journey strictly on your own.

To continue to learn more about Coach Randy’s journey and Truth Youniversity, you can follow him on,,, and

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