Seansky Speaks On Maneuvering The Makeup Community As A Black Trans Woman

The world of Fashion & Beauty is constantly evolving, and in recent years, that’s meant becoming a more inclusive space. We had the pleasure to sit down and talk to Celebrity Make Up Artist, Seansky, who was happy to share about being a black trans woman in the beauty industry!

So Seansky, who are you exactly?

I am a makeup artist, content creator, and visionary based in Cincinnati, OH. I see myself as “The Cartoon Character That Came To Life”. I say this because I am animated, energetic, expressive, and captivating like a cartoon. I’m an experience that many find unforgettable. I navigate life asking as many questions as possible; which comes from the inquisitive nature I’ve had from as young as I can remember. Whenever I was unsure about something I would always ask my mom and she would provide different resources for me to answer those questions. I always want to learn more about the people around me to better understand their experiences, cultures, and practices. For me, knowledge is power.

As a creative in your field, what is it about your art that makes it distinctive and recognizable?

Well, it could be a few things. For some, it is the evocative expression that is deliberately applied to the face. For example, my passion in the era of the 1920’s flapper makeup or the contrast of elements positive-themed color palette with a blank or saddened expression is definitely my art that I would revere as both distinctive and recognizable.

How did you initially find your love for this craft?

I first started experimenting with makeup when I was 14 years old to express the inner femininity I was somewhat forced to repress. I always felt out of place in my body and wanted to shift people’s perceptions of me to a more feminine light. Mix that exploration with my love of theater, performance art, and animation/cartoons, and I soon developed a liking for the more theatrical, transformative, and expressive powers makeup had on facial/bodily features. I began attempting to reshape my facial features to have a more suggestive expression that is eye-catching. 7 years later my love for makeup and its artistry is still strong.

What are 3 things that anyone starting out in the space of makeup and content creation need to know?

For starters focus on your technique. You can have as many ideas as you want but you have to make sure you have the technique to fully execute them. This sometimes means you have to put some concepts on the back burner until you believe you’re ready to give it a try. Secondly, the focus is on building and diversifying your portfolio. Show the world everything you are capable of doing. Bring every vision you have to live. Lastly, don’t be afraid to fail. Whether it be properly not executing a concept or something you were excited about falling through. Failure is a part of life. You can’t avoid it, but you can learn, and grow beyond those moments. Failure is what helps us develop as artists and people.

What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now?

If I had the ability to do it all again I would stop hyper-focusing on how people perceived me and my work. At one point I would be so concerned with people liking me that I would end up creating pieces that were meant to be easily consumed and palatable. I soon realized that people are going to enjoy your work and some are not, but that’s okay. That’s the beauty of all art; the perception of the artist’s work is supposed to vary from person to person. So there’s no need to be so worried; as long as I’m creating from the heart and I love what I do, others will as well.

What has been your biggest success?

It’s so hard to just pick one. If I have to choose just one I would say having the privilege to be a part of the Ulta Beauty 2020 Collective as the Ohio representative. It was my first big contractual opportunity; which lead my talent to be showcased in front of so many lovely brands and people. That engagement propelled me further into the industry and I’m very grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful experience. 

How would you say your identity as a trans woman intertwines with your work as a makeup artist?

My discovery of makeup and newfound love led to me finding a missing piece to the puzzle that is my life and my identity as a trans woman. It was the very first time I had ever felt feminine and wasn’t forced to quash that particular trait. The alignment my body and spirit had at that moment was something I had never felt before. This sense of gender euphoria was very new to me and gave me the chance to look introspectively and realize that something about me was different. Makeup was my only outlet to feel free and authentically me, a woman.

What keeps you going when things get tough in your line of work?

I always go back to the basics; remembering why I started pursuing this line of work and remembering what the end goal is and reminding myself that this is supposed to be fun. I get to play and live in color and create beautiful/enchanting makeup looks. So I have no reason to stress myself out that much. Also, I have to always remember not to berate myself for what hasn’t been accomplished yet or the slowing of my progression as an artist because there is a past me who is so proud of how far I have come.

Do you ever leave the house without makeup?

I do! With the current state of the pandemic, safety requires only half of our faces to be exposed. With this being said, during this time, I’ve been allowing my skin to breathe a little bit during the day. It’s pretty refreshing and important as it relates to healthy skin and self-care.

Where did the name Seansky come from?

The name Seansky was originally a sobriquet given to me by my 7th-grade drama teacher. For some reason, the name resonated deep within; which impelled me to create my Instagram profile under that moniker to provide myself with space for self-discovery. I soon realized that the name Seansky wasn’t just an online persona. It was a core part of my being. It was the manifestation of my inner artist, creative, and woman taken digital form. Seansky is me! 



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