Meet the Talented Entrepreneur & Designer known as Fre$h!

Starting her profession at nineteen, the aspiring CEO, Fresh, identified she was predestined for nothing less than outstanding. At the beginning of her career, she obtained a trade as an apprentice with Cash Money Records. In addition to getting a huge break, Fresh was given the opportunity to travel entirely on one of the most prosperous assignments to date. She worked as a necessary apprentice on the “America’s Most Wanted Tour” with Young Money. The nationwide tour created gateways for Fresh to join associations with extensively known personalities such as Young Money, Soulja Boy, Pleasure P, Young Jezzy, and more. 

Following the exceptional “America’s Most Wanted Tour,” Fresh arrived at the CEG facility. The company was recognized as the most comprehensive mid-size agency in New York City. At the agency, she constantly promoted and preserved her profession inside the entertainment business. As her successful career in production grew, she was positioned in an innovative environment at Vegas Style Entertainment. Steady elevating in her craft, she coordinated three world-renowned tours, including iconic stars like Chris Brown’s “Fame Tour” and Kool & The Gang with Van Hellen. 

At only twenty-three years old, Fresh took the information she gained in the entertainment business and became her own manager. She started her business “BYOB,” a strong acronym for “Be Your Own Boss.” 

We had the opportunity to explore the experience, as well as check out upcoming projects that Fre$h will be providing in this forthcoming time frame!

What, according to you, is the most significant part of designing your brand and even expanding it?

The greatest part of developing my brand is the freedom to be creative. If I want to make something, I don’t have to get anyone’s approval to do it. I can create art that I can wear. Expressing myself through fashion and seeing other people wear it letting me know they feel it too, is the best feeling ever.

What is the qualification required for a fashion designer career, especially from your experience?

The thing about fashion design is that it’s a form of art, so I don’t think any qualifications are required. You don’t need experience or a degree to design things you like or start a clothing line. The only thing you need is determination, and that’s with any career path.

What strengths and weaknesses have you noticed on this journey that have helped you become better?

I’m an executor, with or without help. If there is something to get done on my agenda, I will get it done. I feel like there isn’t anything I can’t do. Sometimes this results in me spreading myself thin and becoming overwhelmed with tasks. So, I’ve learned that although I can do it all, it’s more conducive when delegating different tasks to my team. They say if you want something done right, do it yourself, but they also say teamwork makes the dream work. So, finding balance in that was very hard for me in the beginning.

What do you consider the crucial facets of the fashion industry?

Having an excellent manufacturing company is enormous! You can have a fantastic design, but if it is poorly executed, it changes everything. Keeping up with the seasons, being consistent, especially as a new brand. Being innovative and creative, stepping outside the box. Getting your brand out to the masses. 

 Where did “BE YOUR OWN BOSS” come about? 

Be your own boss started simply from me not wanting to work for anyone else. I dreaded having to wake up at a particular time to do the same thing every day. Having to ask permission as a grown-up didn’t sit right with me. Plus, I get bored quickly doing the same thing over and over. One day I woke up and decided that. 

 With your next business operation in the marijuana industry, what will you bring to the table, especially as a black, independently owned brand?

I was going to change that and become my OWN boss. Be in control of my own fate and destiny. I quit my job that same day, and the rest was history.

 Any advice for any students that may be going into your pathway of business?

I plan on first bringing awareness to my people. Creating wealth starts with educating. Marijuana has had such a negative narrative for so long that most people are misinformed about it. I will also be creating excellent jobs and careers for my people. 

Jobs that people can grow in and learn from. Also, I plan on designating a % of all profits to donate to different organizations to help people around the world.

With 2021 coming to a near end, what new projects or plans do you have coming up?

Educate yourself and make sure you team up with the right people. Like most industries, this one isn’t set up fair. It’s one of those things that it’s not what you know but more so whom you know. Align yourself with the proper people who can help push things forward. 

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