This Mobile, Alabama Barber Is A Master Of Installing Man Weaves!

If you think men today are only going to the barbershop just to get a fade, a shave or lineup then think again!

Master Barber Marlon Gaines of Mobile, Alabama is the owner of Cuttin Up Barbershop and he is perfectly transforming men’s hairstyles and making them look young and stylish!

Courtesy of Marlon Gaines via Instagram


‘Man weaves’ provide coverage for balding men or men who simply have receding hairlines and want to change the way they look so they feel more confident. We know that today there is a solution to pretty much whatever you may feel like changing. Women have utilized the opportunity to change their hair for years and now men are able to also take part in the same glory.

Image Courtesy of Marlon Gaines

Who says men have to deal with going bald in their twenties or simply spend hundreds of dollars on hair products to try and grow back that receding hairline?

Tanisha Davis had the pleasure of speaking with Master Barber Marlon Gaines on Starrdom100 Radio about how he is offering men an alternate solution for hair problems by providing the installation of what many call “man weaves” or more formally known as cranial prosthesis. Some of these weaves can be installed by gluing down small pieces of hair at a time or by installing what is known as a toupee. These units can last 3 weeks to 4 months!

Marlon Gaines, has been in the barber field for over 25 years, with an impressive celebrity clientele of Retired NBA Chicago Bull’s Player Jason Caffey. His barbershop, “Cuttin Up Barbershop,” is located in downtown Mobile, Alabama. Gaines mentioned during the interview that he is also offering classes for those who wish to learn this technique!

Click the link below to listen to what was shared!

For more information on services offered by Marlon Gaines you can contact him below or stop by Cuttin Up Barbershop in Mobile, Alabama!

Location: 1055 Spring Hill Avenue, Mobile, Alabama ,

251-643-6814  – Owner Marlon Gaines

Business Hours: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ( Monday-Friday)

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