Proverbs 18:21 “Life and Death are in the power of the tongue”

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Reflect before you speak. Words are living affirmations. As soon as a word is released into the universe, it becomes open for manifesting. When you talk about yourself, watch your language.

We sometimes have a tendency to put ourselves down before trying to uplift our spirits. Don’t tell yourself you “can’t” and don’t let fear live in your heart. These things will make a nest in your mind and create unnecessary anxiety. 

Instead, speak life into yourself. Practice positive affirmations while blocking negative thoughts and people who bring negativity to you. It’s not okay to accept other people’s negativity. Family is not exempt.

In some cases, we value our family’s opinions most.  For they are the people we grew up with and somewhat played a part in who we are now, but this does not mean they have a say so over our lives. Set boundaries with yourself and your family.

We all have our days; this reminds us that we’re human. We also have our moods; this reminds us that we feel. This is a manifesting tool,  speak life into yourself and show up fully.

Happy Manifesting!

Writer, Kiwanna Harshaw is a Health and Wellness blogger and contributing writer. Follow her on social media @Dearkiwanna

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