Atlanta-based Nonprofit Charge Up Campaign Announces New Executive Director

Charge Up Campaign Appoints Oncology Nurse and Breast Cancer Survivor Lakeitha Rousseau as Executive Director

Atlanta-based nonprofit Charge Up Campaign is pleased to announce the appointment of Lakeitha Rousseau, BSN, RN as its Executive Director. Ms. Rousseau will officially step into her role on June 1, 2024.

Lakeitha Rousseau, BSN, RN is an Oncology Nurse at City of Hope Cancer Center Atlanta and began working with Charge Up Campaign in late 2023. In her previous capacity, she served as Community Partnership Coordinator and will continue to use her network to connect Charge Up Campaign with meaningful partners and collaborators. Ms. Rousseau is an eight-year breast cancer survivor and uses her own testimony as motivation to be an advocate for others. One of her goals for the Charge Up Campaign is to secure resources to provide housing or other assistance for individuals going through treatment.

As they announce Ms. Rousseau as Executive Director, the organization is implementing the Charge Up Mental Health Initiative (CUMHI). The CUMHI will work closely with families and individuals impacted by cancer to provide resources for mental health support; such as counseling and other resources to assist in the life-changing event. At launch, benefits will be limited to applicants in the state of Georgia and applications will be available via the organization’s website. Details of the program will be provided at the Pink Champagne Fundraiser Mixer to be held June 1, 2024, at Neiman Marcus Cafe. Limited tickets are available at

Charge Up Campaign was founded by Charessa Sawyer as a testament to her own experience of being a caregiver for her mother, who is a breast cancer survivor. She says being a caregiver helped her understand the importance of focusing on the person and not just the illness in order to provide an environment conducive to a positive prognosis. Sawyer says the appointment of Rousseau as Executive Director “is a breath of fresh air. As a conqueror of cancer,  nurse and advocate for mental health support for all conquerors, Lakeitha has all of the tools to lead our efforts.” Sawyer will continue in her role as Founder and President of Charge Up Campaign.

To find out more about the Charge Up Campaign, how to donate to support the Mental Health Initiative, and join the email list visit

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