Get to Know Shannon Jackson, the CEO & Founder of Living Your Life Without Limits

Two-Time Single Mother, Shannon Jackson, knows a thing or two about defying the odds. After becoming pregnant with her first child at 15, Jackson pulled herself together with little resources or support to receive her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing at 22. Today, she is the CEO and Founder of Living Your Life Without Limits, which has been featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show and The Sisaundra Show.

Shannon’s Passion Project is “Street Love” where she provides FREE community health resources to members of the community. Coming from struggle herself, she is passionate about pouring back into the community, using her nursing acumen and street savvy to support communities in becoming healthy and whole again.

We sat down with Shannon to learn more about her company, her newest creative endeavors, and her words of wisdom for those who want to truly and authentically live their life without limits.

Share your origin story with us. What is the “cliff-notes” version of who Shannon Jackson is?

Born and raised in Compton, CA, I grew up under the nurturing influence of my mother and grandmother, the matriarch of our family. As the eldest of four siblings, I faced considerable challenges early on. At just 15 years old, I became a mother for the first time, and by 19, I welcomed my second child, each from a different father. Despite these early trials, my unwavering faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and determination fueled my ambition. Driven by a desire to forge a better life, I transitioned from welfare to academia, earning my degree as a Registered Nurse by the age of 22.

My professional journey accelerated quickly, stepping into leadership roles at just 23. Over the years, my focus shifted toward specialized areas within healthcare, particularly regulatory compliance, employee development, and leadership training. This path led me to found my own business at the age of 54, where I now serve as the CEO and consultant, leveraging my extensive experience to foster improvements in healthcare practices and workforce engagement. I deeply enjoy mentoring and developing individuals, guiding them to realize their full potential.

This trajectory from a young, single mother in Compton to a leader and influencer in healthcare embodies my philosophy: no matter the circumstances, with faith and focus, you can live your life without limits.

How did becoming a single mother at 15 shape your journey? What lessons did you learn during that time that you carry with you today within your personal and professional journey?

Becoming a single mother at 15 was a pivotal moment in my life, teaching me resilience and the importance of accountability. My grandmother, who worked at a family planning center, ensured I understood the risks of unprotected sex. Despite her guidance, like many teenagers, I felt invincible, a mindset that led to significant consequences and life lessons.

This experience taught me that every decision carries weight, shaping not just my life but also the lives of those I love. It instilled in me the value of self-love—not just in physical care but in nurturing my mind, body, and spirit. Learning to set aside time to renew and heal has been crucial in allowing me to serve others effectively and to live my life without limits.

These lessons in responsibility, self-care, and unconditional love continue to influence my personal and professional journeys, guiding my actions and decisions every day. My journey has taught me to embrace challenges with grace and transform them into steppingstones for success. It has also fueled my passion for mentoring others, especially young women who may find themselves in similar challenging circumstances, to ensure they too can rise above and achieve their potential.

You transitioned from a career as a Nurse to a Business Owner. What inspired you to start “Living Your Life Without Limits” and what does the phrase mean to you?

With over 32 years in nursing, I haven’t left the field; instead, I’ve expanded my role by integrating my nursing expertise with business leadership. I am Shannon Jackson, affectionately known as “The People’s Nurse,” a title I earned after starting my own business and working closely with high-profile, private concierge cases. This distinction not only honors my professional dedication but also underscores my commitment to impacting lives beyond traditional healthcare settings.

The inspiration for “Living Your Life Without Limits” emerged during a moment of self-reflection in 2019. Despite a fulfilling career, I was working over 60 hours a week, a situation that significantly diminished my quality of life. During a routine drive, overwhelmed by the demands of my schedule, the phrase “Living Your Life Without Limits” resonated with me profoundly. It was a spiritual and motivational awakening, signaling not just a personal call to action but also a universal message for those feeling constrained by their circumstances and fearful of embracing change.

Motivated by this revelation, I decided to transition full-time into my business, focusing on empowering others to dismantle their barriers. “Living Your Life Without Limits” has evolved into more than a slogan; it is a philosophy that encourages everyone to integrate their skills in new ways, pursue leadership opportunities, and maintain a balanced life. It champions bold steps towards personal and professional fulfillment, embodying a blend of my nursing background and a broader mission to inspire change.

What tangible tips and strategies would you share with someone who wants to begin “Living their Life without Limits”?

Living a life without limits involves breaking free from constraints and pursuing growth. Here are key strategies to start this transformative journey:

  1. Cultivate a Positive Mindset and Attitude: Believe in yourself, maintain resilience, and approach challenges with a positive outlook.
  2. Set Clear Goals and Execute: Define your objectives and follow through with execution. Develop an action plan and persistently work towards your goals.
  3. Embrace Learning and Adaptability: Continuously acquire new knowledge and skills, and be willing to adapt to changes.
  4. Build Supportive Relationships: Expand your network with people who inspire and motivate you.
  5. Prioritize Self-Care: Maintain your physical and mental health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindfulness practices.
  6. Take Calculated Risks: Step out of your comfort zone by assessing risks and seizing opportunities courageously.
  7. Pace Yourself and Avoid Comparisons: Focus on your own journey without comparing your progress to others. Every path is unique.
  8. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments. Flexibility is essential as life evolves.

By integrating these strategies, you can dismantle barriers and lead a fulfilling life, embracing every opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Tell us more about your passion project: “Street Love.”

Street Love” is my community outreach program, dedicated to providing motivation, education, and inspiration to underserved communities, specifically in the areas of health and wellness. This initiative embodies the spirit of supporting those often forgotten, serving as a beacon of love, encouragement, and practical assistance.

The program focuses on bringing essential resources directly to those in need, enhancing their well-being, and empowering them to improve their life circumstances. By engaging directly with the community, “Street Love” not only addresses immediate health needs but also fosters a sense of belonging and hope.

Our efforts are aimed at creating lasting impacts, encouraging individuals to take proactive steps toward their health and well-being, and inspiring them to envision a brighter future. “Street Love” is more than just an outreach program; it’s a movement to uplift and transform communities by showing up for them with support and respect.

Your most recent project is Virtual Expressions. What inspired you to dive into the field of mental and emotional wellness through greetings?

In 2023, my engagement with various events and gatherings led to frequent requests for poems and heartfelt expressions. This sparked a realization: I could extend my impact by reaching people virtually, even if they might never meet me in person or hear me speak directly. Inspired by this idea, I launched “Virtual Expressions” in early 2024, a project aimed at delivering words of encouragement, laughter, and joy through beautifully crafted virtual cards.

“Virtual Expressions” is designed to have a positive impact by creating cards with the intention to uplift and bring smiles. Each card is thoughtfully created to convey messages that resonate deeply, whether it’s to celebrate, encourage, or simply share joy. Our offerings include a special Mother’s Day Collection, now available virtually, which has been crafted to honor and celebrate mothers around the world with unique, meaningful expressions.

This initiative allows me to connect with a wider audience, spreading positivity and support through the power of words, and continuing my mission to impact lives, one message at a time.

As a two-time single mother to a successful business owner, speaker, and health advocate, I’m certain many people thought there would be limits on your life. What advice would you give someone to overcome any perceived limitations?

Overcoming perceived limitations is about staying true to yourself and pushing past barriers. Believe in yourself wholeheartedly, turn challenges into growth opportunities, and lean on your support system. Remember, your attitude will affect your altitude. Keep being the unstoppable force that you are!

To learn more about Shannon, visit her website at or connect with her on Instagram.

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